Sunday, October 29, 2006

Begin Your Solution - Laying Foundation

Hello Everyone!
I am writing this as a continuing series and hope that it inspires thought, feedback and education for me, and change in all of our lives and communities. I don't care who you are, let's grow together!
I am RAA. I am attempting to help with real and concrete solutions to the collective problems faced by African Americans. I know that you have heard that before and been disappointed. I humbly ask you for a chance. I come to you as you. By that I mean that I am a typical African American man heading my family and home. I do not claim to be a so-called intellectual. I do not believe in complaining without offering real solutions. I also vote! This gives me the right to complain and challenge issues openly. I truly hope that this is helpful to you and your family. I truly hope that you will not only pass this on in the effort to continue the movement, but that you add your solutions to this. We must strengthen eachother, we must depend on eachother, we must be for eachother. Remember, we do not need permission to be successful, but our survival depends on it.
I call myself RAA because I have the honor to have been born of an African Father and an American Mother. I am a Real African American! My Mother's side of the family has come through the historical experience of slavery in America. We pulled ourslves up by our bootstraps only to face continual institutional racism. My Mother's side includes all of the elements necessary to be classified as Black in America. My Father's side of the family has it's roots in Kumasi, or the Boso region of Ghana. Our family is an integral part of the Ashanti Tribe. We are Akan people. Our family has helped to build and maintain history and traditions. We have fought slavery and colonialism. Through it all we have vigilantly guarded and passed down tribal and family values. We have always known that the destruction of our values would lead to our ultimate destruction. My Father's side includes every element necessary to be classified as African. I am a Real African American, RAA!
I would like to take on the discussion of the condition of Blacks in America. True, it has all been said and discussed over and over again. I ask youo not to turn away but to engage me. I hope to provoke you into action. I want to challenge you to challenge everything about yourself. I dare you to challenge the things that you have been told are true about yourself. I dare you to really get off of your butt and better yourself as a human being. It doesn't matter what race you are, when you better yourself you better us all. As African Americans though, I double dare you to go through this process. You have been looking for a leader, take control yourself! Take control yourself and move to the better side of life. I double dog dare you to stop punking out! Be careful, you see, you might like what I am saying now, but you may be offended soon. Especially if you are one of those that pump your fist everytime you here someone speak. Your are a "yes" man that really doesn't do anything. You are dangerous to yourself and the Movement. We need leaders with answers not empty vessels able to be filled with any idea that may be flitting past at the moment. It is not about the right answers, it is about the efforts, the actions. It is about making the effort to try out all of the positive ideas until you find success and then building upon that success. The only way to collectively continue the Movement is with real men with gonads and real women with guts.
Let's start at the beginning with our history. History is the foundation of any people. The history of the African in America is scattered and poorly documented. It is even more poorly taught and shared, that is except for the misery. It is our misery that dominates our story in America. We must educate ourselves on our history in it's entirety. We must teach the truth of ourselves to ourselves. We must stop learning the history of ourselves from other people who fear us knowing our truth. We must stop taking our 'truths' from a people who's prosperity depends entirely on our ignorance. I would like lay a concrete solution building block here, at the truth about oour history. start with the history of your individual family. What ever it may be, start sharing your family stories with eachother, especially you children. It doesn't have to go back a thousand years, just start with what you know and ask questions of your family's elders. Then expand to include the history of your community and then the nation. You will see strength building in you and your Clan. It is called pride! Give this first concrete block a try. I will share with you my experience on my next installment of this series. I want to read what has happened in your Clan as you lay your first concrete block. Send your input and please keep up, there are many concrete solutions for us to lay. Next time I will talk about true history and building stronger families right here and now! With all of us working together we will build a great Movement - a Great Nation!!!

The Mr. RAA


Anonymous said...


This is a new 22-minute inspirational CD which should be in the hands of every black American. It is only through vision and education that healing and positive changes can occur. Nothing will change for black people in this country until they initiate change for themselves. You can't rely on any political party. We must rely on God (who many have been leaving out) and ourselves.

Black Americans must unite, work together, & build together (just like other united peoples such as the Jewish people). And we must do this with the Almighty guiding us to a higher plane than we have ever achieved.

"Message: What Price Glory?" is very heavy. It is very spiritual. You can hear the first five minutes for free at, as well as a 5-min. OVERVIEW with testimonials which can be downloaded for FREE. (comments? -- tiger@harmonycdcom)

tiger 2/21/07

The Mr. RAA said...

Thanks Tiger, I will check out "Message...". Also, I will be adding a new post to my blog "Concrete Solutions" very soon. Please help to pass it around.
Stay Strong!!!